Our practice's top priority is providing our patients who are traveling to Mexico for Dentistry with the highest quality care at affordable prices, in a relaxed, safe and cheerful environment.
We recongize that every patient has different dental needs. That is why we utilize the best and most modern technological advances in the profession, including invisible clear braces, the smallest metal braces, hidden lingual braces, genuine Invisalign®/ Invisalign Teen™ along with the best supplies from the USA to ensure that you receive the most effective care possible.
Whatever your age is, we are committed to helping you achieve what you deserve: a healthy, beautiful smile at a lower cost than in the USA!
Dentist in Mexico
Looking for a cheap dentist in Nuevo Progresso, Mexico?
If all you are interested in is the lowest price possible for a Mexican dentist, you will probably find out the meaning of that old saying in Spanish: "lo barato sale caro...."
When you search for a cheap Mexican dentist, odds are you are actually looking for an affordable Mexican dentist. Cheap usually implies not made well, chintzy or, in Spanish, "chafa;" certainly not something you would like inside your mouth!
Taking the time to do a little research can mean the difference between obtaining cheap dentistry that you'll regret or affordable treatments with the best Mexican dentists in Progresso! Find out why we are your best choice compared to other Mexican dentists by reading our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
And don't let our fancy website make you think that we are not affordable; just like with all our work, we have spent considerable efforts in making this the best available.
For much more info and a few surprises, you may also explore our Learning Center.
Choose an Orthodontist in Mexico
Did you know that all orthodontists are dentists?
Orthodontists are highly trained dental specialists who provide you with the best oral health care. Selecting an orthodontist who is a member of the AAO, like us, Romero Orthodontics, is your assurance that you have chosen an orthodontic specialist in Nuevo Progreso, Mexico.
Only certain qualified orthodontists may be members of the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO). Creating beautiful smiles through orthodontics is our business.
More questions? Visit our section Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).